Freedom West 2.0

A resident driven development to revitalize Freedom West and empower the broader Fillmore community

Resident Agency

Resident Ownership

Economic Parity

Freedom West’s Origin Story

Reimagined for the 21st Century

Freedom West Homes is a nonprofit limited equity housing cooperative formed in the late 1960’s in response to government sponsored “Urban Renewal” which displaced over 20,000 predominately African American Fillmore District residents and closed over 800 businesses.

To learn more, watch the 2-minute movie trailer video to the right“Reimagining Freedom West,” narrated by Danny Glover, features the activism of 1,000+ multi-cultural residents fighting to protect their homes. It follows their struggle to advance the $2Billion Freedom West 2.0 revitalization project to deliver on the economic empowerment promises made to them over 40 years ago.



Community Driven Design

Participation Parity

We believe in what we call Participation Parity.  The opportunity for the existing residents to have an influential seat at the table providing direct feedback and input into what the new Freedom West community will look like and how they can participate in the improvements and resources that will be created.

That’s why the development design process was centered on resident and community agency.  We started with a focus on understanding the needs, concerns, hopes, and desires of the current Freedom West households who represent approximately 1,000 residents.  From there, we expanded our community outreach efforts to over 3,000 neighboring households, businesses, and community groups in the surrounding areas.

Freedom West Board of Director Visioning Retreat facilitated by The Institute for the Future – March 7, 2020.

Key Advisors & Partners of Freedom West


Bringing the Vision to Life

Keep up to date with the latest news and timeline information from Freedom West.